Thursday, August 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Jordan Ashlee!

Wow, I can't believe our Jordan is 19 years old today.  It seems like just yesterday that I she was born.  

She was SUCH a beautiful baby, with dark hair, and almond shaped eyes.  She came into the world so aware, looking at everything and really taking it all in.  She has not changed.  

Jordan has always thirsted for learning and knowledge, has always been so bright and learns ANYTHING so quickly.  She learned to read at an early age, always exceeded expectations and has always made us very proud.  Jordan is a girl who knows what she wants and has never bent to others tastes, hers have been strong and her very own from a very early age.  I have actually learned a lot from Jordan.  She has always been quite responsible.  I remember coming home from the grocery store one day with Jenica and we were putting away the groceries.  It was usually Jordan's job to go to the store with me.  She looked at what we bought and said "Jenica, did you really let mom buy some of this stuff?"  I LOVE that.

Jord, I want you to know that your Dad and I are VERY proud of you and the wonderful woman you have become.  You brighten up a room when you enter it, and your siblings really look up to you.  WE LOVE YOU 19 year old...HAPPY BIRTHDAY:)

1 comment:

Anika said...

Happy Birthday Jordan! You HOT chick!! Here's some love from all 3 of us!